About Angus (Yorkie) |
- Status: Adopted!
- Species: Dog
- Rescue ID: 16-Angus (yorkie)
- General Color: Silver & Tan (Yorkie colors)
~~They are both currently recovering from their surgery on August 30th, and Winnie has a wound on her foot that is healing up. They have both figured out bowls can hold food or water, although they are comfortable using the rabbit bottle. They tend to push bowls around which can be pretty messy for water. House breaking isn’t happening currently mostly because I am not home enough to try for that consistently. They generally hit the pads in the exercise pens about 75% of the time, but really have no clue there is a system for that. Neither have made any advances with leash training either, Winnie generally flattens and refuses to move, Angus seemed confused by the concept. They are coming out of their shells slowly.~
~Winnie: Winnie is a younger Yorkie female. She came through her dental with just a minor tooth cleaning leading to my guess that she is the younger of the two. These two were cage-mates, with Winnie the more assertive of the two. She is still skittish although she is warming up to people. She still doesn’t like to be picked up or held, but I am winning her over since she is willing to be bribed with food tidbits. She will eat out of your hand. She has had a few instances of play with my 110# lab so she seems OK with big dogs. She and my two cats pretty much ignore each other, no barking. She is quiet, with only the warning bark when we come downstairs or into the house. She weighed in at 10# at her initial health checkup but is still pretty thin, so I think she will fill out a bit more with regular feeding. Initially she was pacing a lot, but now when out of the exercise pen she will lie down, so she is calming slowly. She is attached to Angus and did cry some when they were separated initially since she was in season. Lately she doesn’t cry when they are separate so may have gotten past that. She is trying to learn how to play with toys, she has shown some interest in a squeaky toy.