About Gus |
- Status: Adopted!
- Species: Dog
- Rescue ID: 14-gus
- General Color: White
- Color: Apricot
- Current Size: 73 Pounds
- Current Age: 15 Years 10 Months (best estimate)
- Fence Required: Yes(6 foot)
- Housetrained: Yes
- Obedience Training Needed: Has Basic Training
- Exercise Needs: High
- Reaction to New People: Friendly
~~Lansdowne Red Augustus "Gus"; DOB August, 2008, 73 pounds. Gus loves to run all day from our upper pasture down the hill and back, jumping over logs and splashing into the lake. He has had two full sessions of obedience training with Karen Duty of Hellroaring Kennels. He boards happily with Karen Duty for a week at a time and sometimes visits for a day to play. Gus enjoys running in Karen's upper pasture all day with Karen's large dogs. He is trained for walks and to sit and stay. He is trained to an electric collar and responds to both voice and hand commands to "come" immediately with just a "buzz" warning on the collar. He is used to containment from an invisible fence, with a collar, but doesn't roam from the property without it. Gus is very intelligent and Karen says he's the most expressive dog she's ever worked with. He's good with our grandchildren and friends with our cat, although the cat and Gus do some "friendly" chasing together when outside. When the cat stops running, Gus stops and licks the cat's ears. Gus was raised with our Cocker Spaniel, that has since passed away. When our other dog died, Gus howled for a week. We got a "no-bark" device and the howling stopped right away. He will bark at strangers, but stops barking as soon as his owner speaks to a new person in a friendly tone or shakes hands with them. He remembers friendly visitors immediately. He has a tendency to get excited and jump when a friend comes to visit and needs more training to stay down when guests arrive. He settles down immediately, but needs some help in choosing more sedate greetings with friends and family. He fancies dog treats and responds well to treats for training purposes. He is loaded with personality and very responsive to the moods of his owner, whether playful or quiet. Gus has never been struck nor had any traumatic experience, other than the loss of his Cocker Spaniel buddy when he passed away.
The owners need to find a new home for Gus because they are moving and won't have the capacity to keep a dog.
Please submit a matchmaking form found on our website at: www.lsar.org .
FMI please contact Karen Duty at (406) 883-0140 or e-mail: karenduty@hotmail.com .